
About Nate.


My name's Nate. I'm 23.

Actually, it's Nathaniel, but most people call me Nate. I tend to introduce myself as Nathaniel, and when I talk to myself, I talk to Nathaniel, not to Nate, but I'm not bothered by people calling me Nate. My wife calls me Saniel, which is a semi-long story that I'm not sure I can explain here, but that's what she calls me. Just don't call me Nathan. She hates it.

Now that that's over with.

I have a wife. Her name is Kayla. She is an absolute doll (don't take my word for it, go read her blog), and I am so blessed to have even been friends with her, or dated her (you can read that story here), let alone marry her. Together, we have shared so many good memories. She has taught me how to dream big dreams, and we have spent a lot of time since then doing just that. Together, we are preparing for the arrival of our first child, a baby girl who we will name Evangeline Grey. Together, we are seeking to disciple this child (and the children who follow, Lord willing) in the ways of Jesus, that through her/them, God may be made known in this world. Together, we are figuring a lot of things out. And even though the trials suck sometimes, I have to admit: I love it, and I wouldn't want to live this life with anyone else.

I live in Irvine, CA. Not much more to say about that.

I love Jesus. I have a deep sense of gratitude for what he has done for me on the cross, and because he loved me enough to identify with my sin, die my death, and in exchange give me his righteousness & life, I want to live a life that puts his glory on display. I want to speak boldly, live wisely, and take Holy Spirit-led, faith-filled steps as he seeks to build his kingdom through we who are called by his name.

I love the Church, the bride of Christ. I love that we are Jesus' body, and he is our head. I love that God in Christ almost reckons himself...incomplete without us (what is a head without a body, or a groom without a bride?), even though he is absolutely whole and in need of nothing. I have a passion for seeing this bride, this Church, made pure and lovely for her bridegroom. Most times I'm guilty of contributing to her spots and wrinkles, but I hope that God will use me, inspite of myself, to build her up and help her thrive in holiness.

I hope that as you read my articles and get to know my thoughts, that you'll understand that I really, truly am no different from you. Our circumstances may differ, sure; our backgrounds me be varied, absolutely; but at our core, you and I are beings made in God's image, we have sinned, making ourselves estranged enemies of God, and for those of us that have been reconciled to God through Jesus, we are learning how to live in the newness of life that God gives to us. I am no "Super Disciple". I am not a pastor or theologian. I do teach on occasion, but I am a laymember of my local church. I have no advantage over you. I am simply learning and growing as God allows.

Our brokenness makes us different, but Jesus makes us regular again. I pray that the grace of God would go with you on your journey of re-aligning yourself with the true normal: God in Christ.


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